Floral & Blush Pink Girl Bedroom Design Inspiration

Looking for a non-themed little girl’s room? This pink girl bedroom design and mood board combines blush, gold, and floral elements to create a room that can evolve as she grows.

In the past few months, I’ve encountered one of my biggest decorating challenges to date: creating a pink girl bedroom design! When your daughter wants a Disney princess theme and you want something timeless, it can be hard to find a compromise…

BUT, my six-year-old Lyla had a vision and as we renovate her room and closet, it’s amazing to see it come to life! (update, here’s the finished room makeover and organized closet) It’s very pink, floral, and feminine with hints of gold (per her very specific instructions). Read on below to see how the project unfolded…

Creating a Pink Girl Bedroom Design Over Time

explore by room

We began the project when I was expecting Lyla, carving out a room from our previous primary suite. Like many things in our renovation, we got it to a state of about 70% completion — basically; we made it livable but stopped short of decorating. That’s where it stood for many years. As we continue our year of buttoning up our whole house renovation, I knew there were some things I wanted to check off the list in this space.

Girl Bedroom Before

pink Girl Bedroom Design Before

Clearly, this room evolved and changed over the years from a nursery to a little girl’s space. We added the bed when she was three. The dresser and the artwork above it actually have been there since she was a baby. Otherwise, Lyla just had a mostly blank slate for her room with an empty and unfinished closet.

Designing a room that fits her personality

A little background about Lyla: she’s our third baby after two boys. I went a little crazy with excitement when I found out we were expecting a girl and got all the ruffles and pink. People around me warned that it was very possible she could end up having different interests, especially watching all the fun things her two older brothers were doing. I was completely open to that possibility, I just figured I’d buy the fun things while I could, and reevaluate when she could assert her own opinion.

What no one anticipated was that she’s even more feminine than I am. From the time she was tiny, she walked around with a purse pretending to pull makeup out of it. A day isn’t complete without her hosting at least one tea party. She wants to be a unicorn vet when she grows up. She’s always been drawn to all things pink and frilly all on her own and she has an extensive collection of tutus.

Finding the Perfect Shade of Pink

She definitely wanted a pink room, that was non-negotiable. I actually thought a soft blue might be pretty and got shot down (but I was able to use it in the attic instead, stay tuned!). Her room was already pink, I had painted it originally with Benjamin Moore’s Touch of Pink. However, in spite of lightening it by different percentages and testing it, I could never quite get that perfect shade of blush. It was a bit Pepto-Bismol-ish no matter what.

Creating a feminine bedroom design that will stand the test of time…

I had thought of doing a wall treatment of some kind, but it isn’t the biggest room, and Lyla wanted maximum pink. Instead, I landed on a wallpaper feature wall. Once she accepted that it wasn’t a mural of a castle with flying unicorns, Lyla loved the floral pattern out of the options I showed her.

When it came time to plan out this pink girl bedroom design, Lyla envisioned a conglomeration of Disney princesses and wanted pink and gold for her colors. She couldn’t pick just one Princess, she explained, because they are all nice and she didn’t want to hurt their feelings.

I’m not going to lie, I’m not a big fan of licensed decor and I wasn’t super excited by the concept of having princess faces all over the place. On a practical level, I feel that it’s something that she very likely will grow out of.

However, since it’s not my room, I proposed something I thought we could both live with: a room fit for a princess, with little nods to fairy tale elements, but that can evolve and change if and when her tastes do.

She has some fleecy blankets that have princess faces all over them that she drapes over her bed whenever she wants, but nothing permanent, so we all win.

Floral Blush Pink Girl Bedroom Design

Here’s the completed mood board— a pink girl bedroom design that captures some of Lyla’s interests at six years old, but is neutral and theme-less enough that it can grow with her. Make sure to follow along on Instagram to watch this project unfold!

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fairy tale floral pink girl bedroom design inspiration

Wire Word Art | Beaded Flushmount | Gold Bow Hardware (similar)| Floral Wallpaper | Simple White Dresser (similar) | Princess Bed (similar) | Gold Lamp (similar)| Watercolor Framed Artwork (similar) | Wicker Chest (similar) | Vintage Inspired Rug

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